【AE插件】更新!节点式三维粒子星尘特效插件 Stardust 1.6.0 for Win,含模型预设素材库 « 新CG儿-AE插件下载网

【AE插件】更新!节点式三维粒子星尘特效插件 Stardust 1.6.0 for Win,含模型预设素材库

2020-7-15/ 3D效果, WIN版插件, 粒子插件 / 评论关闭


请注意:该插件支持Adobe After Effects CC 2015.3 – 2020,敬请留意。

Stardust是一款专用于After Effects的模块化3D粒子系统,它可以轻松基于节点操作的用户界面开始使用,并自带了大量的预设,可以方便、快速地创建出不错的效果。

经过漫长的等待,此次终于迎来了Stardust 1.6版本的更新,我们先来看一下官方的宣传视频吧!


此次更新主要加入了名为“Volume Rendering”即“体积渲染”的功能

以下是Stardust 1.6.0更新要点:
Volume rendering: Load from VDB files or create from Particles.
- Refreshed Panel UI: New Nodes design and colors.
- Physics: Save and Load State – Save Physics initial state.
- Model: Replicate using Null – Replicate a 3D model using AE Nulls.
- Physics: Air density – Add animatable air density.
- Material: Stencil – Added option to set a material as Stencil.
- Physics: Properties Time sample – Sample physics properties at current time / particle
- Models: UV repeat and offset.
- Stardust Studio: Studio Lights – Add custom lights to Studio Camera.
- Model: Export OBJ – Export current model as an OBJ file.
- Particle: Limit rotations – Set particle random rotation to fixed values. e.g. 90 degrees.
- Emitter: Added Light emitter size .
- Graph: Added Flip option.
- Physics: Turbulence Over life.
- Aux: Fixed an issue with invisible particles.







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