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' + '


' + '
' + '' + '' + '管理收藏夹' + '收藏' + '
' + '
'; $(".mask").show(); $("body").append(_html + opt + _html1); } } else { msgBox.show(msg, msgBox.warn); } collection_lock = 1; }, error: function () { collection_lock = 1; msgBox.show("网络错误请重试", msgBox.warn); } }); } }); function collection(aid, type) { var type = type; var aid = aid; var group = $(".collection_pop select option:selected").attr("data-id"); if (collection_lock1 == 1) { $.ajax({ type: "post", url: "/index/ajax/handle_stow", data: { "aid": aid, "gid": group, "type": type }, beforeSend: function () { collection_lock1 = 0; }, success: function (data) { var status = data.status, msg = data.msg; if (status == 1) { msgBox.show(msg, msgBox.ok); closePop(); $(".functionBar .fl a.collection").html("\"\"已收藏"); } else { msgBox.show(msg, msgBox.warn); } collection_lock1 = 1; }, error: function () { collection_lock1 = 1; msgBox.show("网络错误请重试", msgBox.warn); } }); } } function modifyCollect() { nBuild = 1; var _num = list.length; var _html1 = '


'; var _li = ''; var _lilast = '
  • + 新建分组
  • '; var _html2 = '
    '; if (_num <= 1) { _li = '
  • 确定
  • '; } else { for (var i = 0; i < _num - 1; i++) { _li += '
  • ' + list[i].name + '

  • '; } } $(".collection_pop").remove(); if ($(".mgroup_pop").length > 0) { $(".mgroup_pop").show(); $(".mgroup_pop ul").html(_li + _lilast); } else { $("body").append(_html1 + _li + _lilast + _html2); } } var nBuild = 1; var edit = 0; //用来判断是修改分组还是新建分组 0是新增,1是修改 function editGroup(obj) { edit = 1; if (nBuild != 1) { msgBox.show("当前分组编辑状态未完成", msgBox.warn); return false; } $(obj).siblings("input").css("display", "inline-block").siblings("p").css("display", "none").siblings(".add_group").css("display", "inline-block").siblings(".edit_group").css("display", "none").siblings(".del_group").css("display", "none"); } function newlyBuild(obj) { edit = 0; var groupNum = $(obj).siblings("li").size(); if (groupNum > 5) { msgBox.show("分组最多只能拥有六个,抱歉", msgBox.warn); return false; } if (nBuild != 1) { msgBox.show("当前分组编辑状态未完成", msgBox.warn); return false; } var _html = '
  • 确定
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    '; } else { var _html = '


    使用专线下载需要 ' + _num + ' 像素,请确认。


    '; } } else { var _html = '




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    '; } else { var _html = '


    下载去水印版音频需要 ' + _num + ' 像素,请确认。


    '; } } else { var _html = '




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    ' + title + '下载通道关闭

    ' + cont + '
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    ' + _uname + '  ' + _time + '发表评论:

    ' + _msg + '

    '; } if (dcomment.role == 0) { var _role = ''; } else if (dcomment.role == 1) { var _role = '楼主'; } else if (dcomment.role == 2) { var _role = '管理'; } var _li = '
  • ' + dcomment.username + '
    回复0' + dcomment.username + '' + _role + '刚刚:

    ' + cont + '

    ' + _reply + '
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    ' + list[k].reply.msg + '

    '; } else { var _p = '

    ' + list[k].reply.msg + '

    '; } var _reply = '
    ' + list[k].reply.username + '  ' + list[k].reply.show_time + '发表评论:' + _p + '
    '; } else { var _reply = '


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    ' + list[k].msg + '

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